RED ALERT – You Can STOP Global Disaster
Our world is at its greatest risk since its creation!
The everlasting covenant with God is broken and our land is defiled (Isaiah 24:5,6).
The CHAYIL Glory 30-Day Prayer Challenge is a call for all believers to cry out to God for mercy and revival through 30 days of daily fasting, powerful prayer and building of One Global Altar.
“Jesus Christ is our Banner”.
Join the Challenge
Choose a time to pray for 15-60 minutes each day
Fast one or more meals each day
Share and post information and pictures of you praying at your Personal, Group or Church Altar. Use: @CHAYILglory or #CHAYILGloryPrayerChallenge
Count yourself in. Complete this form so we can Celebrate & Pray for you
[contact-form-7 id=”3727″ title=”30-Day Challenge”]
Download Your Free
30–Day Prayer Challenge Resources
Together we trigger “Global Revival to stop Global Disaster”. God will hear and save our world.
For more information
email us at:

CHAYIL Glory Movement
20, 1224 Dundas Street East
Mississauga, ON, L4Y4A2
Phone: 1-905-566-1084