
Back-To-School Lessons For All

How to successfully navigate the school year

Last minute back-to-school shopping is in full swing.

Finding a parking space at the mall is a chore and long lines greet us at the cashier, as parents—often with children in tow—grab the essentials: backpacks, lunch bags, pencils and more.  For those off to colleges and universities, shopping includes laptops, sheet sets and reading lamps.

The love of learning is one of the best gifts you can give a child. As they climb the educational ladder, no-one can ever take away what they have learned along the way. Not surprisingly, education holds an important place in our lives.

Sadly, depending on where you live, the love of Jesus Christ is no longer taught in public schools. Gone are the days of morning devotions and the Lord’s Prayer. The home, school and church—the three bastions of socialization—are not in sync.

Yet, there is always hope. Proverbs 22:6 tells us to “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Parents remain very influential.

The solution is therefore in the hands of God’s people.  Whether you’re a parent or a student, here are some ways to successfully navigate the school year and life in general:

Parents and guardians:

  • Teach your children diligently about God: when you sit in your house, walk by the way and lie down. (Deuteronomy 6:7)
  • Do not make your children angry: instead nurture them in the ways of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4)
  • Discipline your children: you will drive foolishness out of their hearts and save their souls. (Proverbs 22:15; 23: 13-14)


  • Adorn yourself in your parents’ teachings: they’re like a beautiful crown on your head and chain around your neck (Proverbs 1:8-9).
  • Obey your parents: it is the right thing to do because God placed them in authority over you. (Ephesians 6:1).
  • Honor your parents: you’ll be prosperous and live a long life (Ephesians 6: 2-3).

God never said life was going to be easy, but He gave us all the resources, instructions and examples we need to succeed— a Son who through His death paved a way for us to God the Father, an all-powerful Holy Spirit who lives within us and the faith to move mountains.

Tap into them all as you navigate the corridors of your school.

Tune in to CHAYIL Conversations with Pat Francis on Facebook Live, Tuesdays at 7pm EST for powerful and interactive discussions that feature real stories of solutions and hope. #ChayilConversations 


CHAYIL glory is the all-powerful, great glory of God manifested in and through his believers in the earth. The CHAYIL GLORY blog is published every Monday with insights to understand and apply God’s perspective to everyday life.
