7 Keys to Real Happiness Everyday
Do you crave relationship and a sense of purpose to feel fulfilled and happy? You are not alone.
Multiple studies confirm that strong relationships and meaningful activities contribute to personal happiness. In turn, happiness supports good health, overall wellbeing and a longer life span.
To keep this top of mind, the United Nations in 2011, decreed March 20 International Day of Happiness.
As we observe this year’s theme: “Share Happiness” and its focus on the importance of relationships, kindness and helping each other, we visit God’s blueprint for happiness to fortify ourselves and help others.
The Bible tells us:
- “The Joy of the Lord is our strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). This combats weariness, disappointments, uncertainties and overcomes all weaknesses.
- “A joyful heart is good medicine” – to keep us healthy; “but a broken spirit dries up the bones” – makes us sick emotionally, mentally and physically (Proverbs 17:22).
- The Lord gives perfect peace to those who put their trust in Him – (Isaiah 26:3).
Ask God to infuse you daily with his joy and peace.
Keys to Happiness
Jesus promised that our joy will be full and even overflow to others when we follow His commands (John 15: 1-11).
His greatest command – “love the Lord… and love your neighbour…” in Matthew 22:34-40 is the key to enjoy happiness.
1. As we love the Lord with all our heart, we prioritize Him as our source for everything. This relieves us of the stress and anxieties we experience from relying on our limited capabilities.
2. By loving our neighbours as we love ourselves, we establish the foundation for healthy relationships and strong, flourishing communities. Ultimately, in serving others selflessly, we find personal fulfillment and meaning for a happier, longer life.
This in effect is what it means to infuse our world with the CHAYIL glory of the Lord Jesus Christ! Long before happiness made it to the global socio-political agenda, it was God’s plan for humanity.
These same keys enabled Jesus to grow in wisdom and in stature with God and man. God desires the same for you. To ensure your happiness daily:
- Prioritize God – Matthew 6:33
- Guard your heart – Proverbs 4:23
- Keep your thoughts pure – Philippians 4:8
- Take all your concerns to Jesus – 1 Peter 5:7, Psalm 55:22
- Forgive others. It frees you – Matthew 6:12, Ephesians 4:32
- Be Thankful. Stop and thank God for at least one thing every day – 1 Thessalonians 5:18
- Do something kind for someone else every day – Luke 6:31
For a daily dose of God’s joy, meditate on the following Scriptures: (Neh. 8:10; Prov. 17:22; Isa. 26:3). Share them with those around you. Let us know how you’ve been impacted – send us an email.