
Do Not Fear, Do Not Acquiesce

Uphold the principles of God’s Word by doing what it says

Have you noticed that certain shifts in today’s culture underscored by the modernization of supporting laws and legislation actively seek to minimize or discount the Word of God?

Prayer is removed from schools in North America and parts of Europe so as not to offend anyone and embrace diversity. Same sex unions are legally recognized in over 84 countries and counting since 2001, and school curricula worldwide are under revision to reinforce the diversity and tolerance agenda that at its core promotes a covert systemic anarchy where everyone does what is right in their own eyes.

Although the principles of the Bible that contradict the misguided desires of some men are vehemently promoted as archaic and irrelevant in today’s modern life, do not be deceived. The Word of God is timeless. Heaven and earth shall pass away but the Word of the Lord shall remain forever, warns Mathew 24:35.

It may seem like the darkest of days to live in, but as Believers of Christ we have the greatest opportunity to release our faith and allow God to gain glory in the earth through us. We are the light of the world! In these dark days, let us not be fearful. Let us not be deceived or acquiesce to the wisdom of men, which God actually describes “as foolishness” to him (1 Corinthians 3:19).

Rather, let us shine brightly, by acknowledging the principles of God’s word and uphold it by doing as it says. Then we will manifest its great power with signs and wonders. And the glory of the Lord will be evident wherever we are.

Jesus promised, “if you acknowledge me before men, I will acknowledge you before the Father. But if you deny me before men, I will deny you before the Father (Matthew 10:32). Which will you choose?

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were not ashamed to stand for the principles of God’s word above honoring misguided men—even when their life was at stake for it.

Oh Nebuchadnezzar,” they said “we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it and rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know O king that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”  (Daniel 3:16-18).  Such was their conviction and faith and they came out of the fire with not even the scent of smoke on them. Daniel too stood against the worldly wisdom of men that sought to suppress God’s Word in his day and he prevailed (Daniel 6).

David as a teenager in civilian clothing, challenged an armored giant and brought him down with a single stone. Not by his own might, but by wielding his slingshot in faith in the God whom the giant Goliath despised (1Samuel 17:45-47).

In our dark days, as deception seeks to muzzle and undermine God’s Word, our light will shine not from intellectual and passionate debates about our beliefs, but from putting action to our faith in the Word of God. Let’s therefore not waste time getting into any foolish arguments [with misguided men] as 2 Timothy 2:23 cautions. Instead, let’s put faith and works together as we uphold God’s principles and let the light these generate dispel the darkness of deception that seeks to stifle our world. “Then they will see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

Tune in to CHAYIL Conversations with Pat Francis on Facebook Live, Tuesdays at 7pm EST for powerful and interactive discussions that feature real stories of solutions and hope. #ChayilConversations 


CHAYIL glory is the all-powerful, great glory of God manifested in and through his believers in the earth. The CHAYIL GLORY blog is published every Monday with insights to understand and apply God’s perspective to everyday life.
