Our main events are called “Awakenings” because the goal is to awaken, motivate, and mobilize believers to ignite the great glory of Jesus Christ in them. The revelation of the Gospel of the Glory of Jesus Christ in ordinary believers will empower them for personal and societal transformation.
At Awakenings the experience involves:
Spiritual – Delegates experience enlightenment on how to grow like Jesus for personal transformation; extravagant praise and worship; revelation and activation of glory; how build spiritual altars to host Jesus in their hearts; and awakening of the power and glory of Jesus Christ that is in every believer. “Christ in you is the hope of glory.” Col. 1:27. CHAYIL Glory is the manifested power and glory of the LORD Jesus Christ in and through His servants. Luke 21:27. Believers are vessels of the glory of God.
Practical – Delegates will learn how to grow like Jesus in CHAYIL Pillars for greater success and influence; understanding the power and purpose of spiritual altars for empowerment and transforming communities; training on how to facilitate dynamic small groups; powerful intercession; extravagant worship with music and arts. Volunteers serve at events in Teams of Intercessors, Worshipers, and Workers in different areas of ministry, media, and administration.
Impartation – Delegates will receive personal ministry at different times for empowerment and miracles at altar calls. One of the highlights is prayer ministry in the CHAYIL Glory Tunnel with teams of intercessors followed by anointing with oil.
Follow through – Delegates will receive a Tool Kit and training materials at the end of the Awakenings for continued empowerment, practice in ministry, and for societal transformation.
Awakenings result in personal growth of believers, Churches ignited with passionate believers, and people empowered for ministry, greater success and leadership to fulfil their calling.
The CHAYIL Glory Awakening events are free. A package with a Tool Kit is given to each registered attendee.
This event can be:
- A breakfast, lunch, or dinner event, or
- A Day or Weekend Seminar
Sessions can be instructional, interactive, group and with times for impartation, building relationships, and networking. It is usually hosted at a venue where meals can be provided.
This is the opportunity for you to gather business and professionals for a dynamic event that will stimulate and motivate them for a greater purpose-driven life. Wealth includes influence, opportunities, ability, creativity, relationships, and finances.
Covenant Wealth is renewed with God as the source of all blessings. God is looking for workplace believers to be empowered for greater influence, promotion, and ability to do more to advance the Kingdom of God and to infuse the earth with His glory.
This is a paid event, and fee is decided by the Host.

We inspire and activate believers to be awakened to the powerful great glory of Jesus Christ in them – “Christ in you the hope of glory” Col. 1:27.
Form Description:
[contact-form-7 id=”2967″ title=”Host an Event”]