Join the CHAYIL Glory 30-Day Prayer Challenge To Stop Global Disaster.
Mass shootings on a busy Toronto street in Canada, over 280 people injured after two earthquakes in Iran, a 3-year old boy attacked with acid in a busy store in England and rising war rhetoric between the U.S. and Iran, were just some of the weekend’s news.
There is hope.
In Luke 21:25-28, Jesus describes His Glory that will be released in times of global crisis with the word CHAYIL “Power and Great” Glory. This Powerful and Great Glory is released in the earth when those who are called by His name — Christians— humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face and turn from our wicked ways.
God’s promise to us when we do the above is to hear from heaven and heal our land. For this reason we kicked off the CHAYIL Glory 30-Day Prayer Challenge on July 20 with powerful prayers and daily fasting for God to use us to fill this earth with His Glory and stop global disaster.
This challenge is intentional and purposeful. We’ll build ONE Global Altar, Jesus Christ is our Banner.
So far, hundreds of challengers from the United Kingdom, Germany, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Canada, Rwanda, South Africa, the U.S.A, Sweden, Malaysia and Anguilla, have registered their participation! And, we’re still counting.
If you haven’t already joined the challenge, it’s not too late to do so.
- Visit CHAYIL Glory 30-Day Challenge for your 30-Day Scripture Calendar, complete with prayer format and strategy so we can pray in one accord.
- Register and count yourself in so we can celebrate and pray for you.
- Share this blog on social media and invite friends and relatives to join the challenge.
Have you joined the challenge? Share pictures of you praying at your personal, group or church altar.
Use: @CHAYILglory or #CHAYILGloryPrayerChallenge