
Touching Heaven, Changing Earth

Preparing for the CHAYIL Glory 30-day Prayer Challenge

Living in today’s world can be depressing if we’re not careful.

Sexual immorality masquerades as normal. The 24-hour daily news cycle bombards us with escalating global conflicts, mounting gun violence, crippling natural disasters and more.

We watch as the United Nations, governments and organizations wrestle unsuccessfully with these issues. You can turn a blind eye (until something lands in your backyard), throw up your hands in despair or, as a Christian, choose to be a vessel of hope.

We are the solution

As believers, we have Christ in us the hope of Glory, and God has called on us to humble ourselves and pray so that He can heal our land.

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” –2 Chronicles 7:14

Let’s heed the call.

Starting on Friday, July 20, join us in a CHAYIL Glory 30-day Prayer Challenge to stop global disaster. It will be 30 days of intense prayer and fasting to touch heaven and change earth as we provide round-the-clock prayer coverage in 15-60 minutes shifts.

Like any good athlete we need to prepare in order to succeed.

How to prepare for the challenge

  1. Create a personal altar: open your heart to Jesus and let it become a meeting place for your encounter with Him. This altar is one of faith and paves the way for your miracles.
  2. Set aside time: choose a time that works for you and block it in your calendar. Set your alarm clock if you need to, but make it your unnegotiable prayer time.
  3. Determine the place: whether it’s your car, a bench in the park or your dining table, ensure it’s a place conducive to prayers and that you’ll not be disturbed.
  4. Find prayer buddies—share this blog and partner with others to complete the challenge or find someone to hold you accountable. You’ll be tilting the scales of success in your favour.

Take the challenge!

Visit CHAYIL Glory 30-day Prayer Challenge to get the four prayer points, download a 30-day scripture calendar and access other resources.

Be sure to email chayil@chayilglory.org and let us know that you’re taking the challenge and the number of your prayer partners, so we can celebrate and pray for everyone.
