
8 Attributes of Wisdom

8 Attributes of Wisdom

Every Decision Demands Wisdom.

Some years ago a woman came face to face with death for violating a cultural custom in her Middle Eastern hometown. Had it not been for the intervention of a wise man she would have been stoned to death by her own family and neighbours who felt justified in their actions.

After hearing the charge against her, the wise man’s response silenced all of her accusers.

Without making eye contact with any of them, he simply said, “You without sin, cast the first stone.” When he finally lifted his eyes to scan the riotous mob, only the accused woman remained.

The record of this encounter said, “Jesus, straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are your accusers? Has no one condemned you?” 11“No one, Lord,” she answered. “Then neither do I condemn you, Jesus declared. “Now” go and sin no more.” Matthew 8:10-11

The heart and attitude of wisdom

In a tense moment, of weighing eternity in the balance for this woman and deciding whether to appease men or honour God, Jesus modelled for us the right, motivation, heart and attitude of wisdom. James 3:17 outlines these attributes clearly.

8 Attributes of wisdom

“The wisdom that is from above is:

  1. First pure,
  2. then peaceable,
  3. gentle,
  4. easy to be entreated (reasonable, agreeable, submissive, willing to listen and anxious to learn),
  5. full of mercy (compassionate, kind, forgiving),
  6. good fruits (produces good),
  7. without partiality (non bias, not prejudiced)
  8. without hypocrisy (no pretence, nor self-serving, trustworthy)” – James 3:17

How many of these attributes can you check off when you make your decisions daily? Let these be your plumb line (Proverbs 9:1). Keep it constantly before you (Proverbs 4:7).

We each face choices that challenge our faith in God and our commitment to honour His word. In all our decisions, our motivations and attitude reveal how wise we are.

If we desire to grow in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man like Jesus did (Luke 2:52), then like Jesus, we must revere God and his ways above all others. For the reverential fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).

Wisdom is the second of seven CHAYIL pillars. Learn more about CHAYIL pillars for personal and societal transformation.
