Prophets of the Old Testament had visions of a time when believers and the world will be baptized in glory. The prophet Isaiah described a season that will trigger the baptism of glory in the world, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and THE GLORY OF THE LORD RISES UPON YOU. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.” (Is. 60:1).
This prophesy is now our reality. We see and hear constantly of the darkness invading our world. Over 32,000 people were killed by terrorists in 2014. Cyber Hackers are now terrorizing companies and organizations. Depression, fear, and violence are destabilizing and tormenting people. There are 5 easy steps to be baptized with glory:
1. Faith
Believe in Jesus Christ, King of Glory, as your personal Savior and Lord.
2. Forgiveness
Ask Him to forgive you of all mistakes and sins.
3. Habitation
Ask Jesus to come and live in you. “…Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Col. 1:27).
4. Altar
Make your heart an Altar to Jesus for daily prayer, to offer yourself as a living sacrifice (daily surrender), praise, pray, end with thanksgiving.
5. Purpose
Pray and activate the Glory of Jesus in you to flow through you as you help others, serve, and make a difference in our world.