The Bible teaches that the people who know their God will accomplish great things, and those who know His word will be approved and trusted with open doors to show His glory. The love of learning and the intention to keep growing in revelation will keep us relevant and ready for new opportunities in all areas of our lives. With this in mind, we have created for you a CHAYIL Training School with:
Videos: CHAYIL Glory training is available on DVDs and YouTube. The videos are designed for you to watch and grow in personal glory.
Webinars: Live webinars that are interactive and will include topics such as Dynamic Leadership, Growing in Favor, Manifesting the glory of Jesus, How to know your Calling, Covenant Wealth and The Digital Age. You will be trained with a global group of passionate believers.
CHAYIL Teachings: Topical teachings will be provided through Kingdom Covenant Leadership Institute (KCLI) and at global awakenings. For topical teachings manuals, CDs and DVDs are available.
CHAYIL Pillars Life Series: “Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out (created) its seven pillars.” (Prov. 9:1). From this we learn that it is wise to live by design and not by default. Jesus grew intentionally in wisdom, maturity, favor with God and with people. With Jesus as our model the seven CHAYIL Pillars is for us to create a successful godly life by growing like Jesus. CHAYIL Pillars are worship, wisdom, power, honor, favor, wealth, and influence. The teachings will go in-depth to understand the life of Biblical characters such as David, Esther, Mary, Joshua and the life of Jesus.

We inspire and activate believers to be awakened to the powerful great glory of Jesus Christ in them – “Christ in you the hope of glory” Col. 1:27.